Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We woke up early today and split into a V.B.S. group and a soccer training group. Our time had changed through the night without anyone telling us so we were already an hour late. Later we would learn that the time change was not official until tomarrow but most everyone had already changed. V.B.S. went well except for Maggie getting locked in the restroom for two hours. The clinic started off slow with only two youth from the neighborhood brought to the field with suckers from Dr. Byrd. After kicking the ball a little they sent the two out to bring back their friends and seventeen street wise kids arrived. Doc gave them the Evangelism ball testimony and as he was about to proceed with an alter call Junior stopped him and told the boys how 15 years earlier he had been sitting right there and made a decision to follow Christ. The largest boy was the first to come forward followed by the smallest and then everyone else came forward and Junior led them in the sinner's prayer with the Covenant players circling around the group. In the afternoon we worked at a youth camp picking up trash and scraping moss, Termites, and flaking paint from a dormitory. We were also able to get paint on one half of the buildings exterior. At Jennifer's church, one of our translators, a little boy named Fabrizio was led to the lord with Dr. Byrd's assistance. Fabrizio lives in a house across from the church with thirty other children. His mother had left his father was an alcoholic and his Aunt and sibblings were his only caregivers. His Aunt had just passed away. Please pray that Fabrizio can be a light in this dark family situation and can bring many others to the lord. After service we ate pizza at Massabor. They had a few different varieties as well as our favorite soda in country called Guarana, it is similar to a sweet ginger ale.

1 comment:

0mnif00l said...

Hi there, Mr. Garret. I was rooting around the Internet looking for people who had come across some of the covenant players. I'm not even sure you're going to get this, but if you do, could you send me a message talking about your impressions of those guys? I've actually been praying about joining them and i need some insight, if it's not too much to ask.

thanks a lot