Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today the bus is taking us to Alter-Do-Chao for a half day at the beach. It is about 1 hour from the hotel. Upon arrival Shaggy tells us that the famous Amazon Women were from this location and relates many stories of them. Many of the guys took off in a boat across the river to climb a mountain. The remainder of the group took a boat tour of the area. The views from the mountain top were breathtaking. We returned to swimming and a lunch consisting of Pirarrucu, the largest freshwater fish. We also ate rice, beans, and salad as well as the sodas Guarana and Coke. A heritage dance interpretation was put on for our enjoyment as well. There were probably a dozen or more dancers. After dropping off Scotty and Jason at the hotel we went shopping for a few hours downtown. Tonight was busy as we had a service where three children accepted Christ! Afterwards we were wisked away to the same pizza joint as before. We ate dinner and also made thank you presentations to our translators and hosts (Truth Project Members). Now the work would begin as everybody would need to be packed and on the bus by 4:30 A.M. to go to the airport. Many did not sleep.

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